Frequently ask questions

Frequently Ask Questions



Feeling fully prepared is a rare luxury, and there’s never a perfect moment to dive in. You might have a long list of things to do, but chances are, they aren’t the ones that will truly drive you forward.

We believe that real estate agents don’t struggle because they lack skills in selling homes, understanding the market, promoting themselves, or caring for their clients. The real challenge lies in tackling these tasks in the wrong sequence, which can exhaust both time and resources before any real progress is made.

That’s where we come in. We guide our clients through an optimized sequence of actions to ensure you’re working as efficiently as possible.

If your current strategies aren’t cutting it and you’re feeling stuck, it’s time to try something new. We’re so confident in our approach that we offer a guarantee. Why not take a leap and see the results for yourself?

We’ve worked with many newly licensed agents and have consistently observed that success in our program isn’t necessarily tied to years of experience. Instead, what makes the difference is dedication and perseverance. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to reboot your career, hard work can pave the way to your achievements with us.

We limit the number of agents per area to ensure exclusivity and minimize competition for leads. In smaller markets, we work with only 3–4 agents, while larger markets might see up to 10 agents. Additionally, we offer an option for complete exclusivity in your market for those seeking an even greater competitive edge (note that this option comes at a higher cost).

We stand behind our promise with a straightforward guarantee: if you don’t close a deal, our services are free. We’re committed to seeing you succeed and are confident in our ability to help you achieve results.

Once you close a deal, we don’t just stop there. We’ll continue running ads and working with you for the entire year. Our commitment is to provide ongoing support and strategies to keep your success momentum going strong.

Our partnership is designed to last 12 months, a period we believe is essential to fully activate your online lead generation strategy and avoid the pitfall of continually switching lead providers when immediate conversions fall short.

Online lead generation is a marathon, not a sprint. Since these leads aren’t familiar with you yet, building a lasting relationship is key. This approach isn’t suitable for those just looking to take orders; it’s crafted for agents who are closers and committed to making a meaningful impact.

Think quick sales should be your aim? Think again.

Changing lives should be your true goal as an agent—a perspective that has propelled our most successful agents far beyond just earning commissions.

If you’re looking for quick deals handed to you, online leads might not be your best avenue. You might find more success with traditional methods, although they lack the scalability of online strategies.

Absolutely, smaller markets can actually yield better results with our strategy. Since your message reaches a broader segment of the local population, you often see faster and more impactful outcomes. We’ve observed many of our clients in smaller markets achieve quick success using our approach.

You might feel content with your current business volume, but the fact that you’re here suggests you might be looking for more. True, adding new strategies introduces complexity, but remember, growth and income don’t come without their challenges.

Consider these questions:

  • “Do I really have everything I want?”
  • “Am I limiting my own potential?”
  • “What happens if my current pipeline dries up unexpectedly?”

Experience has shown that emergencies can quickly deplete your pipeline. For instance, during COVID-19, many agents found themselves struggling because they hadn’t built a robust pipeline. It’s essential to prepare for such scenarios to ensure stability and continued success.

On average, agents see their first closing within 3–6 months of starting with us. The cost per acquisition (CPA) typically ranges from $1,000 to $2,000. This investment reflects the strategic and targeted nature of our approach, aiming to set you up for sustained success in your market.

You’re invited to explore our wealth of content, case studies, and testimonials, all readily available to you. Any credible company committed to its clients invests significantly in simplifying and enhancing the customer journey.

We take great pride in our transparency and honesty. This foundational approach ensures that when you work with us, you’re not just signing up for a service, but partnering with a team that genuinely cares about your success and provides all the necessary resources to achieve it.



We strategically place paid ads on both Facebook and Instagram to maximize your visibility. Additionally, we use Google Local Services Ads to generate inbound calls from buyers and sellers—currently available in the USA, with our Canadian agents positioned on a priority waitlist for when these services expand to Canada.

Beyond paid advertising, we also guide you through leveraging organic advertising strategies. These methods can help you generate between 20 to 30 free leads per month, enhancing your overall lead acquisition efforts without additional cost.

Many agents have had concerns that Facebook ads didn’t yield results in the past. However, it’s crucial to recognize that the effectiveness of ads isn’t just about the ads themselves. The real challenge often lies in the familiarity and trust potential clients have with you. Simply put, why should they choose to work with you among the many agents available?

Here’s where we make a difference: We focus intensely on refining your sales process. Our approach isn’t just about getting clicks; it’s about converting those clicks into genuine connections and, ultimately, closed deals. We provide dedicated success managers and coaches who work tirelessly with you. They analyze your conversations weekly and monitor your ad performance daily, ensuring that you’re not just attracting leads but actively converting them into clients. This comprehensive support is designed to transform your interactions and results, making Facebook ads a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal this time around.

Yes, investing in paid advertising is essential for generating leads and growing your business. To expand your reach and effectively target potential clients, financial investment in advertising plays a crucial role. This approach ensures you can actively engage with a larger audience and accelerate your business growth.

On average, you can expect to generate between 20 to 30 organic, free leads per month. However, it’s important to note that this number can vary depending on your specific market conditions. This variability reflects the different dynamics and competition levels in each area, influencing how effectively organic strategies perform.

Our system is designed to filter out less serious inquiries—commonly referred to as “tyre kickers.” These are leads that do not respond to phone calls, texts, or emails. By eliminating these, we ensure that you only engage with leads who are genuinely interested in speaking with you. Our process doesn’t just stop at initial contact; our team of Inside Sales Agents (ISAs) takes over to initiate and manage these conversations. Their expertise in qualification ensures that the leads you interact with are those who truly value your time and are more likely to result in transactions.

When a lead comes in, here’s how the process unfolds:

  1. Lead Entry: The lead is immediately entered into our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.
  2. Automated Follow-Up: The CRM activates an automated follow-up system that continues to engage the lead until there is a response.
  3. Manual Intervention: Once the lead responds, the automated sequences are halted. At this point, either the agent or the text concierge service, if utilized, takes over the conversation.
  4. Qualification and Booking: The lead is then further qualified by the agent or an Inside Sales Agent (ISA), who aims to book an in-person appointment.
  5. Your Role: As an agent, your primary responsibilities are to qualify these leads effectively and secure appointments.

This streamlined process is managed on the backend, allowing you to focus on the crucial tasks of qualifying leads and booking appointments without getting bogged down by initial follow-ups.

You won’t need to worry about creating campaign ads yourself; we’ve got you covered. Our team handles all aspects of the marketing process, crafting and managing the campaigns on your behalf. Your main focus will be what you do best: being out in the field and engaging directly with clients. This arrangement ensures you can concentrate on personal interactions and building relationships without the added stress of managing ad campaigns.

No, a website is not required for generating leads. The only essential tool you need is a business Facebook page. If you don’t already have one, don’t worry—we’ll help you set it up. This approach allows you to start engaging with potential clients and running effective campaigns without the complexities of managing a full website.

You won’t need to dive into the intricacies of creating Facebook ads—that’s where our expertise comes in. Our engineering team handles the entire ad creation process for you. Our goal isn’t to turn you into a marketing expert; instead, we focus on leveraging our specialized skills to manage your advertising needs effectively. This way, you can concentrate on your core responsibilities while we ensure your ads are optimized and engaging.

We focus exclusively on targeting within your state or province. Our approach is to utilize a proven process that has demonstrated success locally. Our team selects and manages the ads we believe will perform best in your specific area. This strategic focus ensures that your marketing efforts are concentrated where they have the highest potential for returns.

Yes, we generate a combination of both buyer and seller leads. Observing the rising trend in homeownership rates, we’ve identified that many buyers are also potential sellers. This dual approach allows you the opportunity to potentially represent both sides of a transaction. The strategies we employ to achieve this have been honed through our work across Canada and are reflected in the successful case studies we’ve created with our current clients.

It’s understandable to want to focus exclusively on seller leads, especially if you already have a substantial database of buyers. However, our experience has shown that the mindset of limiting your scope to only one type of lead could be what’s holding you back. In real estate, your role is to assist as many clients as possible. If your buyer list is overflowing, consider this an opportunity to think strategically like a business owner.

Ask yourself:

  • “How can I effectively manage these buyers?”
  • “Is it time to build a team?”
  • “Should I hire an assistant to help with qualifying?”

These questions can guide you toward leveraging your existing resources more efficiently. Moreover, our data has often shown that buyer campaigns can lead to dual transactions—both buying and selling—which can significantly increase your business opportunities.

Our program emphasizes reshaping your mindset when working with online leads, because in business, having the right mindset is crucial

Our approach to generating free leads involves employing a variety of organic techniques that have proven successful for numerous agents across US & Canada. One effective strategy is using Facebook Marketplace ads. This method allows you to reach a broad audience without the costs associated with traditional paid advertising, leveraging the platform’s extensive user base to enhance visibility and engagement with potential clients.

On average, agents working with us can expect to receive between 20 to 50 paid leads each month. This figure does not include the additional leads generated through our organic lead generation strategies. Regarding costs, the typical advertising budget for agents enrolled in our program is around $300 per month. This investment is designed to maximize your exposure and lead acquisition while providing a cost-effective solution to expand your client base.

Typically, we do not create websites for agents as part of our standard services. The rationale is that websites often don’t directly contribute to lead generation, which is our primary focus. While having a website can enhance your branding, it is usually not crucial until your business reaches a consistent level of at least three transactions per month.

However, if you believe a website is essential for your branding and online presence, we can certainly accommodate this need. We offer website hosting and creation as additional services for an extra fee, allowing you to maintain a cohesive and professional brand image as your business grows.

While brokers do provide leads, these are often shared among several agents within the brokerage, leading to high competition for each lead. Additionally, brokerages typically cannot afford to invest significant amounts per agent for lead generation. Our service, on the other hand, focuses on providing you with exclusive leads. Unlike the shared leads from brokerages, our approach is tailored to generate leads in larger volumes—essential for effective scaling. Online lead generation is akin to a numbers game, similar to doorknocking, and achieving the best results requires a substantial, exclusive lead flow. This method ensures that you have the best opportunity to engage with and convert leads without the internal competition found in brokerage environments.

We cannot guarantee a specific number or percentage of seller leads. If such predictions were possible with high accuracy, the costs associated with our services would be significantly higher, possibly around $10,000 per month, or we might keep such a capability as a proprietary secret. The actual number of seller leads you receive will largely depend on various factors, including the current state of your market and the specific area you operate in. The proportion of seller to buyer leads can vary greatly; you might find that 30% of your leads are sellers, while another scenario might present 10% as buyers. These outcomes are influenced by numerous variables that affect lead generation performance in real estate.

Accordion Content

Our lead generation strategy targets both city and zip code levels. During your onboarding call, we will discuss which geographic targeting strategy has been most successful with agents in your area. This tailored approach allows us to optimize our efforts based on proven results and specific local insights, ensuring that you receive high-quality leads most relevant to your business location.

While running paid online advertising campaigns does incur costs and may occasionally result in fake numbers, emails, or generally non-genuine leads, our system is designed to filter out and disqualify these for you. You will only need to engage with leads that have shown genuine interest by reaching out to you first. This process ensures that your time and energy are preserved for interacting with legitimate prospects, enhancing your efficiency and potential for successful conversions.

Due to Facebook’s advertising policies, we are unable to target ads based specifically on age, such as directly targeting seniors. However, our team conducts thorough market analyses to understand what strategies are effective for other agents in your area. By incorporating these insights, we tailor our campaigns to indirectly reach demographic groups that are likely to include seniors, based on interests and behaviors rather than age alone. This approach ensures compliance with advertising regulations while still effectively engaging your target audience.



If you prefer a hands-off approach, our program is designed to accommodate that. Initially, we set up a “set and forget” lead generation campaign that runs autonomously for a couple of months. This setup minimizes your involvement in the day-to-day management of campaigns.

Your main responsibilities will involve qualifying leads primarily over text and booking appointments—unless you opt for our “Prime Follow-Up Service“, which can handle these tasks for you. Our goal is to ensure that your time is dedicated to what matters most: servicing your clients.

Should you wish to create additional campaigns or modify existing ones, you have the flexibility to arrange one-on-one calls with our client success manager at your convenience. This allows you to make informed decisions and adjustments without needing to be deeply involved in the operational details.

While our primary service involves setting up, managing, and running Facebook ads for you, we also provide valuable educational resources. As an added bonus, we offer training videos and coaching sessions designed to teach you how to set up and manage Facebook ads yourself. This empowerment means that by the end of our program, you’ll possess the skills necessary to run your own ads independently, potentially saving thousands of dollars you might otherwise spend on external lead-generation services. This approach not only enhances your marketing capabilities but also contributes to your long-term success and autonomy in the real estate market.

Initially, our automated system takes the lead by initiating conversations with potential clients. This system is designed to engage leads and start the interaction process efficiently, weeding out less serious inquiries automatically.

Once the conversation begins, your involvement is crucial—you’ll step in to apply your expertise and qualify the leads that show genuine interest and value your time. However, if you opt for our “Prime Follow-Up Service“, this step can also be managed for you. In this case, either a real-life assistant or an AI system would handle the qualification and follow-up process, ensuring that you’re only dealing with the most promising leads. This setup allows you to focus more on closing deals and less on the initial stages of lead management.

Yes, we use your business’s Facebook page to run the ads. This approach ensures that all marketing efforts are directly associated with your brand, enhancing your online presence and credibility. If you don’t have a business Facebook page yet, we’ll assist you in setting one up. Importantly, you maintain 100% access to your Facebook page at all times. This means you can view and interact with your campaigns as you wish, providing transparency and control over your advertising efforts.



Our service includes providing you with our proprietary CRM. The reason for this is that it allows our coaches and team members to access your account, analyze your interactions, and make necessary adjustments to optimize your lead management processes. We view our role not just as a lead generation provider but as a transformation boutique that aims to perfect every aspect of your lead generation strategy. Although this means using a new CRM, our approach is designed to ensure seamless integration and significant improvements in your sales outcomes.

In addition to the ad spend, which is paid directly to Facebook, there are a couple of additional costs associated with using our program:

  1. Twilio Text Message Fees: For sending text messages to leads, there is a minimal cost associated with Twilio, typically ranging from $10 to $20 per month.

These fees ensure that you have access to all the necessary tools to manage your leads and campaigns effectively, including our comprehensive support and training resources that empower you to eventually run your own ads independently.

es, our CRM comes with a mobile app that enhances your ability to manage your leads on the go. Through the app, you can email, text, call, and even leave voicemails for your leads directly from your mobile device. This feature provides you with the flexibility and convenience to engage with your leads efficiently, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to connect, no matter where you are.

No, all leads generated through our program are exclusive to you. We ensure that each lead is only available to the agent who is working with us, providing a personalized and focused approach to your lead generation efforts. This exclusivity is part of our commitment to helping you build your client base without competition from within the same service.

Absolutely, we understand the importance of sticking with your current CRM system. Just like you, our CRM is crucial to our operations.

We’ve assisted numerous agents in seamlessly transferring leads from our system into their existing CRMs. As long as your CRM is capable of managing follow-ups effectively, we’re more than happy to facilitate this integration. Our goal is to ensure that you have the flexibility to continue using the tools that work best for you while still benefiting from our lead generation services.

While we can’t personally close deals for you, our system is designed to filter out non-serious inquiries and “tyre kickers” automatically. Once the CRM initiates a conversation, it’s up to you to qualify the lead and schedule an appointment. It’s important to understand that online lead generation is a numbers game, and our system generates numerous conversations for you to engage with. Not every lead will be of high quality, but this is an inherent aspect of online lead generation.

Our focus is on identifying and nurturing the quality leads that are actively looking to buy or sell within a relatively short timeframe, typically within three months. While not every lead will convert, our system aims to maximize your chances of connecting with genuinely interested prospects, ultimately increasing your opportunities for successful transactions.



We appreciate your interest in our services, but it’s important to clarify our compensation model and the reasons behind it.

First and foremost, we understand the legal constraints surrounding commission-sharing arrangements. As a company, we are not licensed to share commissions with agents, which is a significant limitation for us and potentially jeopardizes your licensing status as well.

Secondly, our business model does not allow us to track individual agent closings, making it challenging to implement a pay-after-close arrangement.

Thirdly, our company prides itself on delivering high-quality service, and our unique guarantee reflects our commitment to ensuring client satisfaction. We guarantee one closing or no payment, demonstrating our confidence in our ability to deliver results.

Fourthly, we cannot rely solely on individual agent closing skills or work ethic to drive our company’s success. We have a dedicated team working tirelessly to support our agents and produce positive outcomes. While we understand the appeal of a pay-after-close model, it typically favors top producers, which may not align with our current business structure.

If you’re seeking a pay-after-close arrangement, we may not be the right fit for you. We recommend seeking mentorship to enhance your sales skills and pursue opportunities with companies that operate on a commission basis and can rely on you to convert leads effectively.

No, we do not post daily content on your social media pages. We firmly believe that social media content should be personal and authentic to you as an agent. Rather than relying on automated posts from a third-party company, we encourage you to take control of your social media presence and share valuable, creative content directly with your audience.

Posting personalized content not only distinguishes you from others but also establishes a genuine connection with your audience, which is particularly valuable in competitive markets. By showcasing your personality, expertise, and unique perspective, you can differentiate yourself and build stronger relationships with potential clients.

We’re proud to report that 100% of our clients who complete our program achieve success. This remarkable success rate is a testament to the effectiveness of our strategies and the dedication of our clients. It’s worth noting that we offer a money-back guarantee to underscore our confidence in delivering results.

While we don’t provide a specific breakdown of case studies, the overarching theme is consistent success across all clients who have fully engaged with our program. Whether it’s increasing lead generation, improving conversion rates, or boosting overall business performance, our clients consistently see positive outcomes that align with their goals and expectations. This is why we offer a money-back guarantee.

No, you do not need to provide login credentials for your social media accounts. We prioritize your privacy and adhere to all relevant guidelines and regulations. Our process involves requesting admin access only to specific assets such as your Facebook page and ad account. This ensures that we can effectively manage your social media campaigns while safeguarding your account security and privacy.

No, it’s not advisable to stop traditional lead generation methods such as cold calling, door-knocking, or hosting open houses simply because you’re working with us. While our lead generation and marketing services provide an additional source of leads, they should complement rather than replace your existing strategies.

It’s essential to recognize that online leads may take time to optimize and yield results. Therefore, discontinuing your current lead generation efforts could result in a temporary lull in your business. Instead, we recommend integrating our services into your existing approach to diversify your lead sources and maximize your overall success. This balanced approach ensures that you maintain a steady flow of leads while leveraging the benefits of our lead generation services.

No, you are not limited to one territory. We can run your ads wherever you’d like. In fact, if it makes sense strategically, we often recommend expanding your ad reach to additional areas. However, if expanding your ad campaigns does not currently make financial sense for you, we suggest waiting until the timing is more favorable. Our aim is to ensure that your investment yields the best possible results and aligns with your business goals.

The program is most effective for those who are willing to put in the effort and learn quickly. Some clients may not see success if they do not fully commit to the program or follow through with the required work. Success in our program hinges on dedication, consistent effort, and a proactive attitude. Those who do not complete the program often fall short due to a lack of work ethic. However, for those who fully engage and put in the necessary work, success is highly attainable.

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This website is operated and maintained by Pty Ltd. Use of the website is governed by its Terms Of Service and Privacy Policy. is an education and training company. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” program or money-making system. We believe, with education, individuals can be better prepared to make investment decisions, but we do not guarantee success in our training. We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training will make you any money. All material is intellectual property and protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Please see our Full Disclosure for important details.Investing of any kind carries risk and it is possible to lose some or all of your money. The training provided is general in nature, and some strategies may not be appropriate for all individuals or all situations. We make no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or hypothetical investment will achieve a particular outcome or perform in any predictable manner. Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track completed transactions and satisfaction of services by voluntary surveys. Results show that most Advanced Training clients who apply the training. You should not, however, equate completed sales closing transactions with financially successful transactions. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply what they learn, or do attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty in making sales successful for them. The Company may link to content or refer to content and/or services created by or provided by third parties that are not affiliated with the Company. The Company is not responsible for such content and does not endorse or approve it. The Company may provide services by or refer you to third-party businesses. Some of these businesses have common interest and ownership with the Company.

©2024 All rights reserved.
Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions
This website is operated and maintained by Pty Ltd. Use of the website is governed by its Terms Of Service and Privacy Policy. is an education and training company. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” program or money-making system. We believe, with education, individuals can be better prepared to make investment decisions, but we do not guarantee success in our training. We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training will make you any money. All material is intellectual property and protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Please see our Full Disclosure for important details.Investing of any kind carries risk and it is possible to lose some or all of your money. The training provided is general in nature, and some strategies may not be appropriate for all individuals or all situations. We make no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or hypothetical investment will achieve a particular outcome or perform in any predictable manner. Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track completed transactions and satisfaction of services by voluntary surveys. Results show that most Advanced Training clients who apply the training. You should not, however, equate completed sales closing transactions with financially successful transactions. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply what they learn, or do attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty in making sales successful for them. The Company may link to content or refer to content and/or services created by or provided by third parties that are not affiliated with the Company. The Company is not responsible for such content and does not endorse or approve it. The Company may provide services by or refer you to third-party businesses. Some of these businesses have common interest and ownership with the Company.